Hydrogeologic Assessments
HES has performed aquifer assessments, Water Supply, Use and Conservation Reports and Hydrogeologic Assessment Reports for over 200 properties throughout Northern California. HES has extensive experience in using hydrologic and geologic data to assess water availability. Our assessments and reports are prepared to meet local county requirements and to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). These studies and reports can be used for infrastructure design criteria, for agricultural development assessments, and for private landowners and communities looking to achieve groundwater sustainability.
Our hydrogeologic assessments and reports can be tailored to meet the specific needs of you project or specific regulatory requirements. Our hydrogeologic assessment can include the following elements.
- Characterization of local hydrogeologic conditions within the site watershed and sub-basin.
- Estimates of annual groundwater storage and recharge relative to existing and proposed groundwater uses.
- Assess the potential for well interference between a pumping well and neighboring wells and between a pumping well and nearby creeks.
- Assessment of the sustainable groundwater available within a defined watershed.
- Estimates of existing and potential water uses within defined areas based on established usage rates.
- Assess the potential for Salt Water Intrusion or Land Subsidence.